
Friday, December 3, 2010

flash back friday

in honor of the coming holiday, i would like to share the following picture ...
as you could see in my halloween post, my mom is pretty good when it comes to costumes ... non of that store bought crap.  she usually went all out to make sure we were the best darn (insert any character that would require a costume here) we could be!  so here i am as mrs. clause during an elementary school Christmas play.

go ahead, laugh it up folks ... but i would like to challenge you to post a school play picture on your blog!  if you do, please post the link in a comment below.  


  1. I actually found some old "drama" photos from my high school days the other night. I'll post them within the next week.

  2. How can anyone laugh when you're so darn cute? :)

  3. That is such a cute picture. I like looking at adults when they were young.


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