
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

reading habits

as the season finales air one by one, i find myself longing for a good read.  it took almost 2 months to finish the most recent book because i only read right before bed (meaning 4 pages and then i was out). 

well, husband bought the first book of the hunger games 10 minutes after we left the movie theater.  he has had ample time to start it and has not.  so naturally i picked it up off the back of the toilet and put it on my nightstand and now im hooked.  i was sitting at work today thinking about how much i wished i was at home reading.  *sigh*  summer is officially right around the corner, meaning nothing new on hulu could take me away from the something new on my kindle.  

if you have any good suggestions for my reading list this summer, do tell.  

below is a list of some of my favorite books so you can get an idea of what i like. 
  • the help
  • the kite runner
  • a thousand splendid suns 
  • water for elephants
  • time travelers wife
  • life of pi
  • black cross
  • bossypants
  • daughters of fortune series
  • harry potter series
  • the boy in the striped pajamas
  • sarahs key

and here are the books i plan to read this summer:
  • hunger game series
  • blue like jazz
  • heaven is for real
  • belly laughs


  1. Now this is a topic I can talk about!

    John Irving is my all-time favourite author, but his books very dense. If you're into fast-paced books, he might be difficult to read.

    Two books of short stories that I read recently (one I'm currently working on) that I highly recommend: Accidental Birds of the Carolinas by Marjorie Hudson (NC author!) and Birds of a Lesser Paradise by Megan Mayhew Bergman (stories about motherhood, but not always in the traditional sense.) Both of which are more than likely available @ your local library! :-)

  2. While growing up, I went through many a book on my parents' study shelf... mostly biographies and autobiographies though, and all very inspiring. I haven't read too many of those books you mentioned, so I can't really gauge if you're into fiction or non-fiction, but here's a list of some good'uns. :)

    The Persecutor - Sergei Kourdakov
    Anointed For Burial - Todd Burke
    Through Gates of Splendor - Elisabeth Elliott
    God's Smuggler - Brother Andrew
    Is That Really You, God? - Loren Cunnigham
    The Heavenly Man - Brother Yun/Paul Hattaway
    Lasting Love - Alistair Begg
    Created to Be His Help Meet - Debi Pearl (if you're up for a real challenge! ;))

    To Kill a Mockingbird, Jane Eyre, The Hiding Place, King of the Wind, and The Yearling are some "classics" faves.

    Heaven is For Real is good... and if you haven't read "Captivating" by John & Stasi Eldredge, pleeeeaase do! I honestly think every woman over the age of 16 should read it... I'll even lend you my copy! :)

    Love to you, sweet cousin! <3


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