
Friday, July 11, 2014

high five for friday

its been a while since i linked up with lauren for a high five for friday post.  
here it goes ... five things that made this past week pretty great. 

ONE::  we took henry out to my aunts last weekend.  he was so interested in the boat, how the 4 wheeler and tractor worked and of course, the chickens.  he could not get enough.  being 34 weeks pregnant, i wasnt able to chase him around and do all the fun stuff but he and husband had a great time.  

TWO::  that face

THREE::  one of the main reasons for our visit was to spend time with my cousins that were in town.  their little guy turned one last week.  i loved watching the two little ones playing and climbing the tractor together.  

FOUR::  we have been watching the muppets movie quite a bit.  i loved this movie growing up and i am enjoying the lazy cuddle time its providing.  

FIVE::  6 years and 3 months ago we adopted Mailey... a cute little pit mix that turned into a crazy puppy. She ate a lot if my shoes an a large DVD collection. When I see her being a good big sister to Henry, Omar and Klaus it warms my heart. Her and I have grown so much in the past 6 years.


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