
Friday, November 5, 2010

flash back friday

today, i have decided to share an embarrassing story from my childhood.

i grew up in a small town about an hour away from raleigh.  the elementary school i attended was located 2 blocks away from my house.  the main building, the original school house, is ancient and scary.  

when i was in the 1st or 2nd grade, our classroom was located in one of the newer buildings.  there was nothing to be afraid of unless you had to go to the auditorium, gym or art class (which was pretty much the only room upstairs used as a classroom).  for some reason, we had to move our class to one of the empty rooms upstairs because our room was getting cleaned or something.  the temporary classroom was a few doors down from the balcony entrance for the auditorium (super spooky) and down the hall was the bathroom (EXTREMELY SPOOKY).  

all the students were sitting in a circle on the floor.  i had to use the bathroom but it was not the official time to line up and go as a group, so my teacher said i could go on my own ... just down the hall, right? 

in my minds eye, the bathroom looked a little something like this: 

side note: there was a ghost story going around school about how a puddle of blood leaks up thru the tiled floor in the upstairs women's bathroom ... talk about a frightened 2nd grader!  

anywho, i walked to the bathroom door and stood there working up the courage to go in, pee really fast and run back to class, but i just couldnt do it.  i was unable to admit to my teacher and class that i was too intimidated by the bathroom to pee.  about 15 minutes goes by and i raise my hand again and explain to my teacher that i have "to go."

here is where things get a little fuzzy:  
i remember her letting me leave class and go to the bathroom at least twice, if not more.  both times i returned to class, petrified and with a full bladder.  at this point, she was becoming suspicious of my behavior and asked if i was ok.  i told her i was perfectly fine and she continued with the lesson. 

i finally decided that i had to suck it up and get to a bathroom, asap!  i asked my teacher if i may "please use the bathroom" but she refused to put up with my shenanigans any longer and told me i must wait until the class goes together.  i was hopeful that i could sit on my foot and squeeze and make it just a little longer.  so the teacher continued to teach.  

and as we all sat on the floor ... in a circle ...  

i peed.

i was so humiliated!  i had to sit in the office (pants wet with pee, face wet with tears) until my mom could come get me.  then i had to go home, change and return to school ... WHAT, really?!!?!!  i figure this experience would allow me to take a personal day in hopes that someone would get caught picking their nose or something and all would be forgotten about me and my little incident.  no such luck! 

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